Step 1

In Outlook select “New Item” and click “New Meeting” 


Step 2

The Meeting Request window will open. You can write the subject and body of your email here. Record more information with each reservation: person reserving; purpose (class name, group meeting name), etc.

Then, click on the Scheduling Assistant tab

Step 3

There are two sections of the left of screen, “Add Attendees” and “Add Rooms”, and the right hand side shows you busy or available time.

 Note the room shows a green icon = resource and NOT a person.


Step 4

● Invite attendees

Enter the names of the attendees, if needed. Once all names have resolved against the Global Address List (they'll all become links you can click), you will see bars appear to the right indicating existing appointments/meetings.

● Finding a suggested time

 On the right side of the window, the "Suggested Times" area displays when participants and resources are free.

● Reserving a room

Click on “Add Rooms”. This will bring you to a screen that will list all rooms. Double-click to select any rooms you wish. Enter multiple rooms to view their availability; Click ‘OK’.
You can add custom Rooms if the room isn’t on the list. (Back in the Appointment tab)

Step 5

Finally, this is how it should look like after you have added rooms and people.

Step 6

When you are finished, be sure to "Send" the reservation.

You should receive an acknowledgement email/s from the Room Resource saying "Your request was accepted". 

Other possible acknowledgements are "Your request is pending approval" or "Your request was rejected".

Your room reservation is not complete until you receive an acknowledgement.